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  1. When Should I Get My Car Upgraded?

    By Matt Joseph  |  Financial Adviser You’ve been using your particular vehicle for sometime now and you start to consider an upgrade of your vehicle. […]

  2. 4 Questions You Should Ask Your Used Car Dealer

    Buying a car is an important decision in our lives and a major financial commitment. If you’ve done your homework well, things could take a […]

  3. 3 Tips For Building Credit With Used Car Loans

    Living with bad credit is difficult, but not impossible. You could end up paying more for your car insurance or having to put down a […]

  4. 5 Factors to Consider When Buying Used Cars

    Every year, roughly 300 new models of cars are offered for sale on the market in Canada. If you’re looking for a bit more variety, […]

  5. Financing through Used Car Dealerships: Advantages

    Financing a used car is something everyone can afford to do. When it comes time to actually apply for a used car loan, you’ll have […]

  6. 4 Reasons To Buy A Used Car

    Average Canadians pay around 20 percent of their take-home pay to drive a new car! In fact, in some age groups, spending on cars has […]